Sometimes the solution is simple, but we still struggle to make the simple choice.
My daughter has this beautiful curly hair. From a baby, her white curls have been a piece of her personality. But as it grew, despite how lovely it could be when brushed, it started to form dreadlocks. Daily.
The battles began. She wanted nothing to do with a brush, or comb, or pick, or even my fingers. We would soak conditioning treatment on it for an hour. Rinse. Still no good. Every now and then, I'd chase her around the house, trying to brush the hair, her sweet little eyes dripping in salty tears.
It was always a wild, crazy mess. So finally, we chopped it, into a precious little A-line bob.
We've been dread-free ever since. It's even more perfect for her personality. She lets us brush it, and style it, and no tears. We've lost a lot of curls--it's more wavy now--but we gained a happy relationship between her hair and my sanity.
I'm not sure why we waited so long. But I guess some things are just hard to let go, when letting of it means letting go of a chapter of a sweet little life.
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