There are just those days when you feel like a terrible mom. These days seem to quadrouple in the summer, when the kids are tired and whiney, the house looks like a national disaster declaration, and when you're even more tired than they are so you just throw them a bag of cheetoh for dinner. Usually, I wake up the next morning, and it's a new day, and I can make up for it somehow; you know, like put milk in the cereal today.
But these are the little things. The things that are just day to day, you know some days will be better than others, and you know you can tweak them just by adding a little more love to a certain area, whether it's preparing a healthier meal, or doing an extra load of laundry.
So what about those big steps we have to handle? Their first step. Potty training. Off to school. What if we don't nail these on the first try? Again, for the most part, we can wait awhile and then try again. They are gonna get it eventually.
However, I'm in the midst of a new struggle. The binky.
Our three year old is over-the-top addicted to the thing. It's her comfort, her blankey, her teddy bear.
When my second daughter knew the binky monster was coming, she gladly placed all of her binkys into an envelope and put it gently under her pillow, as if not to disturb all the precious binkys that would now be going to the babies in the world that really needed them.
Not my three year old. She wanted nothing to do with that envelope. She hoarded her binkys and started hiding them. The binky monster even came during the day when she was gone, and left her a toy. That lasted 10 minutes. She was begging for binky.
Now she just steals her baby brother's binky. She's ruthless. He could be wailing, but she won't give it back.
When she starts pre-school, she won't be able to have it. That's on our side. But will she forever be sneaking binkys? Will she be 13 and stealing them from the kids she is watching? Or worse, will she use the money she earns to buy more?
Okay, okay. I know, it's just like the potty training. All in their own time. It will happen. It is time to pull the plug, but sometimes when you pull it, it doesn't drain...it's just all blocked with guk and slime. You need a plumber, outside assistance. I think that will be the key. Outside assistance. The places she wants to go this fall that won't allow it...dance class, pre-school, a day at the park.
We think we are terrible parents when our kids will do things for others that they will not do for us, but that's where we have to let go, realize it's a blessing. It shows they do understand, and they do know right and wrong. They'll get there, some kids just gotta pull the plug themselves.
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