Gym Junkie or Home Video Vixen?

So where is the grass greener when it comes to toning up that baby tummy and shrinking back that butt? Gym or Home? Well, there is the logic component-money. Most gym memberships cost about $50 a month. Home videos can run you at least that much if you fall sucker to the tv ads that convince you that you need the 20 accessories to go with your video for $14.99. I'm pretty sure my husband and I could own a gym with all the home fitness equipment and videos we have. But guess what, I have a gym membership. Ha!

So, why would I have a gym membership? Well, I suppose two reasons. First, so I can see at least one other adult that day other than my husband or pre-school teachers (although I love my husband AND the pre-school teachers very much). And two, so I can get through two minutes of a workout without being asked for another cup of juice. Gotta love kid care at gyms.

The benefits of working out at home are pretty strong. Since I only go to the gym two or three days a week, I do like to do a yoga workout at home. It's just nice to walk out of my bedroom, still in my pajamas, baby rolling around on his playmat, and pop in PX90 or Shiva Rae yoga disc, no bra, no teeth brushed, no hair combed, mascara still smeared across my cheeks (how many moms have time to wash their face before bed?) and do a half-assed version of yoga because if I'm tired I just stop since no one is watching. Can you tell I'm hard core?

I also believe it is how you view fitness. If fitness is a full experience, and you have the sexy outfit, you likely want to be at the gym, because as I mentioned before, I do yoga in my pjs. I doubt you're going to put on the sexy workout outfit at home. Some people really do like to be watched when they are working out. It makes them feel good, and attractive. I personally can't stand when I am watched at the gym, especially while doing happy baby pose in the stretch area. I think I'll just stop doing that one.

The social componenet of the gym is nice, if you're social. I tend to be selectively social, meaning only when I feel like it, which really just sounds better than anti-social. In other words, I really don't make new friends at the gym, just chat with the ones I already know, which I could do without going to the gym. Therefore, for me, I suppose the green grass at the gym for me is the day care, which allows the ability to take a warm shower for more then 5 minutes.

To find your greenest grass in this area, ask yourself:
Do I prefer to exercise with others?
Is it okay for others to see me lifting dumbbells when I haven't shaved my armpits in a week?Do I really just need the gym to take a shower by yourself? ($50/month might be worth it)
If I 'exercise' at home, will I really just eat an extra donut and call it good?
Do I have cabin fever?

I would say if you answered yes to all of the above, then I would say a gym membership is pretty green for you. If you answered no to all of the above, then you likely prefer staying home and saying that each day, you will start your routine 'tomorrow.' Just kidding, that's just how I am about home exercise. I always something better to do. However, I have many friends that are able to do their treadmill every day.

In other words, no matter which route you go, there is really only one word...discipline. The grass is only greener where you have discipline.

So, I guess the greenest grass in the fitness area for me is a combo. If you have the will power to just buy the home video and commit to doing it three days a week, and don't mind going at it alone, home fitness is much cheaper. Both are flexible, semi cost efficient if you do it enough, and both produce results-but I suppose that is the key; we can talk about it all day, but we have to get off our hineys and get to it. I guess I've stalled enough-time for some yoga, right after I finish this cupcake.


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