Your kids sleep in their clothes?

I'm a BIG fan of pajamas...on the weekends. With four kids, getting out the door in the morning for school and preschool was a full on sprint. I am not a morning person, so getting up earlier was out of the question. I was usually sweating like crazy by the time I ran around helping everyone get dressed and socks and shoes and hair and lunchbox and backpack and well, you know the drill.

Then one day at an outing with a friend, we were at one of those jumphouse places so I was once again sweating, pregnant, chasing the two-year old so she didn't get nailed by some rowdy older kid, and the topic of mornings came up. I was explaining how I was already exhausted by 8:30am already from getting kids out the door. She looked at me smiling, and said, "Why don't you just dress them the night before?" My jaw dropped. Was I really not smart enough to figure this out? This isn't organic chemsitry here, it's dressing children, at night, in what they will wear to school the next day, and letting them sleep in it.

Whew. Well, that was life changing, to say the least. I say the grass is greener when kids wear their school clothes to bed, at least until they hop out of bed like a grasshopper and can change clothes in two minutes, which for my kids might be, like, never. Plus, it makes pajamas on Friday night that much more exciting.

Now I sleep in 15 mintues longer. I'm still not a morning person, but at least my tea is hot when I drink it.


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