They say (I've always wondered who 'they' is) that kids can unconsciously reveal their talents and potential at a very young age. I'm fairly sure we've discovered the future of our super determined toddler. At the age of three, I am certain that we can place our bets on Hollywood. And I don't mean as an actress. I'm talking behind the scenes, where the magic happens.
As you can see, there was not going to be any Mommy painting this face; no way. Little Miss "I CAN DO IT" was set on trying to reinvent a photo from the facepaint book onto her own sweet, precious facial canvas. The look she was going for--from the book--was dracula. A green and black dracula. But green just doesn't cut it in her little princess world; a creative and unique mind was behind the pink dracula.
After very careful execution, which I believe clocked in just under two minutes, she was incredibly proud of herself. So proud that I couldn't grab her before she b-lined it to the bathroom mirror and left black and pink handprints all over the beach rental house cupboards and countertops. Of course, nothing is really all that fun in the end if we didn't leave a complete mess for Mommy to clean up.
As I mentioned before, it's quite obvious to me. I see Makeup Artist all over this. I'm talking big time--blockbusters--and by the look of things, probably horror films.
But this little person has many talents, each dwelling in her little soul in equal amounts. So no matter which direction the pitter patter of these tiny feet shall lead her, it is sure to be the path less travelled; and my money is on her.
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