In Good Company

I have friends that run marathons (not me), or half marathons (nope), or 10Ks (still incredibly not likely). I have friends training to be triathletes and body builders and equestrians(no thanks, way too much work). And I say to you ladies, how do you do it?

Some of you love camping with your family so much, that in the summer, you spend Thurday and Friday packing and Monday and Tuesday unpacking. That's hard work, and lots of it. And I know you do it because the reward of spending that kind of quality time with your family is totally worth it. And yet still, I'm thinking, how do you do it?

Some of you keep a beautiful house and somehow know how to clean up and stay organized despite little people that drag their crap all over place 24-7. Yet, your house is spotless (not mine). So again, I say, how on earth do you do it?

Or maybe you cook all of your meals from scratch, or you NEVER go to McDonalds, or you even sew your kids their clothes. OR even grow your own food! I mean, hello!

Or maybe you are in the PTA, you volunteer in the classrooms, at church, you coach your kid's team, you're always treat mom, and you sub on days the school is desperate. I don't do hardly any of that, at least not right now!

And you 9-5er moms, who come home to empty mouths and hungry stomachs and homework and messes and likely a whole heck of a lot stress and stuff on your mind. Or maybe you've gone back to school? Or maybe you do both! My goodness, I bow to you. How do you do it?

And you that have husbands who are deployed, or work on business out of town, or who do not have a hint of family around, or who home school!!!!! How do you do it?

So, I guess my point is. I wrote a book. Because I love telling stories. And I have a whole bunch of them in my head, and they really need to come out. This past winter, I didn't do much else. Every free moment I could possibly find, I ran to my computer. And after a while, I realized that it was what I wanted to do (besides mothering) and that I needed to just go for it. So, like my friends who are runners, and they wake up some days thinking, 'I really don't want to run today', but they do anyway, and afterwards are so glad they did. That is how writing is for me. Somedays, baby goes for a nap and I am thinking of all the things I should be doing, or maybe the words just aren't there right away, but I make myself sit down, and I just do it. And eventually, the words come. And when I have to stop mid-sentence in the middle of some super emotional scene that I just think there is no way I can make it until tomorrow, I close my computer, and get my baby, and then, of course, I can't lie, I try to sneak in a few shots at the keyboard to finish up a scene! And when I think about the fact that I almost didn't write that day, I can't even believe the thought crossed mind, because afterwards, similar to the runners-high, I am exhilerated.

But when people say 'How does she do it?', I am of course grateful that you understand how difficult it is for a mother to do anything beyond keeping her own family fed. But I also feel like writing my novel has not been hard. And following this journey to publish my book has not felt hard. Frustrating, yes, because I need more time, a LOT more time (don't we all?). But maybe it's because I have a business and marketing background, and I tend to be an entrepreneur, and I am insanely driven, and have super supportive family and friends, but I really think that when we are doing something we love, something that we find value in, something that we think can be something good in the world, something that might inspire another person, or at the very least show my daughters that they can achieve their own dreams, then it's worth doing at any cost.

As a writer, when you move past the idea that authors have to be megastars, or be bestsellers, or that everyone just has to love your story (good, thick rhino-type skin is key, you can't please everybody!), or that you have to see your book in lights, and instead look at what you might have to offer the world, it really changes things, and it allows you to look deep inside and explore your options and your opportunities. I figure if I enterain even one lonely heart, or inspire even one Indie writer who is considering taking this trek on their own, or even just make my family proud, then I've done my job. And have had a heck of a good time doing it!

So, for all of you that wonder how I do it, you can be assured that whatever it is you do in your life that is affecting others, or giving you joy, or changing the world, I am equally wondering how do you? And for those of you that have a dream, I can only say that the best investment you will ever make is in yourself. Go for it. Go big! I'm totally behind you, the way so many have been behind me. There is this super cute sign I have above my desk that reads "The best way to predict your future is to create it." The grass just has to be greener when you do. So I say, go. Create. And enjoy this life we are so blessed to have. :)

"Whatever You're doing inside of me, it feels like chaos, but somehow there's peace. You're up to something bigger than than me, larger than life, something heavenly." --Sanctus Real


Nici said...

Well said Cat! Can't wait to read your book.

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