Let the Query Wars Begin

Writing a novel while managing a family of six is no easy feat. I sat tall with pride yesterday, as I carefully chipped away at my epiloque, grinning with a big sigh when I typed that last period and hit 'save'. Whew!

I've been editing my manuscript and will keep at it, but I knew I was ready to jump onto the real battlefield; querying.

From everything I've read, the query process is fierce and damn near debilitating. But I believe perseverance is they key. Writing is subjective. You gotta find that letter in a sea of words that loves your idea and your story as much as you do. A tough feat, no doubt.

But the battle has begun, as I sent a query yesterday and another today. I look at this part of the process as an opportunity to learn and explore and change and gain and eventually, sign a contract. Positive thinking only here, people.

But there is a lot of encouraging information out there; like, for example, that Stephen King wrote ten novels before being published (not sure if true, but read it somewhere), and that John Grisham received 29 rejection letters before an agency requested his manuscript. Then, of course, the infamous story of Stephenie Meyer, whose debut novel initally called Forks was way over the word limit for YOung Adult and should have been trashed immediately, but something caught the eye of an editor's assistant. Crazy how things finally get discovered, but can you imagine if they hadn't? I can't.

So a little faith, okay...a LOT of faith, and belief in yourself, and it will happen. Keep you posted.


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